I was deleted from Instagram.
By Snob - 2:28 AM
So it came to my attention around 7pm last night that my instagram account had been deleted. No reasons why, no warning. Just a deletion notice and some general reasons as to how this may have happened.. Things like "graphic violence" and "hate speech"... Thing that my entire account was clearly based on right?.. I have absolutely zero idea why this happened, and at this point I feel as if I don't really care. I filled out the page to "maybe restore" my account. But I doubt it.
It made me realize how little Instagram cares about its users. We are not only "users", but content providers. Content in which we allow IG to run for free. In exchange they allow our images, words and videos to reach a world wide audience. HOWEVER without us, there would be no audience. And I think it's extremely disheartening to be deleted and not even sent a fucking automated message telling you why. Probably the most important social media outlet at the moment and they haven't figured out generalized emailing? Fuck you.
This may sound like I'm just pissing and moaning because I "lost", but that's correct. I did. 90% of my traffic came from my Instagram. My YouTube channel JUST launched and here I go now losing my entire audience... It's just vile and gross, and has left me with such a foul taste in my mouth.. and I wasn't even that well known.
Anyway, my "new" instagram is @ASnobAndAHalf... Not sure if I want to even give them my content.