By Snob - 9:01 AM

praying he dies tbh
This was the reply to a comment I left on a "Stolen Valor" compilation video... I was questioning the comment section as to why someone would take the time to blur some of the faces. SOMEONE had to digitally go in and edit out the identities. It didn't just happen. Whether the uploader did it, or who ever they STOLE their content from did it... BUT SOMEONE DID. So my flippant statement, which was more about me questioning the idea of keeping criminals (stealing valor is a criminal offense) safe from public shame and taunting?

However, I guess this fucking moron just wanted to feel superior? They felt the need to "put someone in their place". Yesterday this person said to themselves "I want to go on a youtube video, slide down to the comment section and make myself like a full fledged fucking troglodyte" Well guess what Bryce, I aint that person and that ain't my place. So kindly sit the fuck down and enjoy the true English lesson.

The reason I'm posting this is to highlight the new need to feel like we are "schooling" someone. He truly thinks he's letting me in on the fact that the uploader didn't film, edit, and create all of these clips. Bryce seems to REALLY believe that he is filling me in on something... That logic alone is scary! That someone with such a clear lack of basic reading comprehension is out there spilling his off-brand English is appalling.

I'm not offended by what he said! I'm offended that he thinks he's smarter than me on any level.. And that he's so comfortable in the fact


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